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17 Mile Drive

Going into this drive, mom and I of course googled how long it would take us to complete. We were shocked when we saw the daunting words of THREE hours. We were determined to finish it in 45 minutes. 


We, the Drive By Snap-A-Photo-In-A-Moving-Car Tourist, took longer than anticipated. At first we didn't want it to take that long, but between the stunning golf courses (and gift shops AND lunch/dinner) and the wildlife stops we were well over our 45 time estimation.


Here is a guide line that we feel highlight the best sights:

Must do:

~ POI #2: Huckleberry Hill 

• Time: 5 minutes MAX

• Great view! Whether or not its a clear day, its beautiful.

~ POI #3: Spanish Bay Beach

• Time: 5-10 minutes

• Depending on your feeling of somber beaches, this is a beautiful stop to get your feet sandy. It's the perfect place to take a moment to yourself and take in the view and environment.

~ POI #4: The Restless Sea

~ POI #7: Bird Rock

Eh, might be worth the stop:

~ POI #13

Slow down & just snap out the car window:

~ POI #6

~ POI #9

~ POI #11

~ POI #12

A lot of these sites sort of blend together, allowing some sights to be skipped altogether because of the repeated view/experience.

Things not on the list:

~ goat "hill"

* For the travelers who want to experience the tourist sites, but want to spend the majority of their travel time their way. 

These rankings and opinions are based on the most efficient and effective experience. A condensed version of the whole experience. *

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